Sunday, March 30, 2008

10 Ways to be creative

Do you want to be creative??...Now you can...
Here's some tips:

  • To redefine problem: To attempt to see them in a different way to other people.
  • To learn to analyze and criticize your own ideas, since nobody has only good ideas.
  • To sell your ideas: it is naive to assume that good creative ideas sell themselves.
  • To recognize that knowledge is a double edged sword: it is not possible to be creative with insufficient knowledge, but too much knowledge can hinder creativity.
  • To have the courage to overcome obstacles, face opposition, since truly creative ideas are always likely to be opposed.
  • To take risks, and not be tempted to offer standard, safe solutions.
  • To be willing to grow, and not rest on their one good creative idea.
  • To believe in yourself, because there will often be times when nobody else believes in you.
  • To learn to tolerate ambiguity, because new ideas are not always initially successful.
  • Finally, since research has shown that people are at their most creative when they are doing something they love... you should find out what then love to do, and do it.

(daisy. From: Sternberg, 2000)

The consistency challenge

"One Voice, One Look" (applies to campaign)
It occurs when all the advertisement, publicity, direct promotion, sales promotion and any other messages have the same look, sound and feel. This type of consistency indicates that everything is integrated at the execution level. It can be created by mirroring the style of message from one execution to another or from one promotion medium to others. In order to achieve, some of strategies can be used: visual connections, verbal connections, audio connections, continuing charracter, symbols and logos, continuity in settings, emotional connections, and or thematic continuity.

The other consistency challenge is the strategic consistency which occurs when the messages differ but each message contains a particular core elements. In this case, brand personality, positioning and identification cues take the important part of the whole messages in order to build one link of corporate lines. (daisy. From: Duncan, 2005)

Developing creative brief

First, it is important to:

  • set the communication objective/ target (audiences’ cognitive, affective or behavior)
  • search for consumer insight
  • build the strategy (by using generic, pre-emptive, informational, credibility, emotion. association, lifestyle, incentive, reminder or interactive approach)

Building a creative brief:

The simplest way in developing a creative brief is by completing the following statement:
“The purpose of this communication is to convince (target audience) that (brand) will (benefit) because (proof). The tone of the message should be (brand or message personality)”

9 elements to consider in building a creative brief:

  1. Product
  2. Key issue/ problem
  3. The promise: “If you buy (brand), then (this is what will happen)…”
  4. The support: “… because (support or the unique selling point/ USP)”
  5. Competition
  6. Target Audience/ segmentation
  7. Desire Behavior
  8. Target’s Net Impression
  9. Tone and Manner of message

(daisy. From: Duncan, 2005)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Stutgart (now: Start) on the news
taken from Start's blog
"i even didn't know about this before... haha... but this is great!"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Some candid photos i took during my mid semester break
Photos were taken by me, on St. Kilda Beach - 21 March 2008

Creating Brand Positioning Statement

"To ..Y.., ..X.. is the brand of ..C.., that offers ..Z..


The communication for this brand should emphasize ..U..,
must mention ..I..,
and will omit or trade off ..D.."

X : The brand/product
Y : Target audience
C : Category need
Z : The benefit(s)
U : Uniqueness - Perceived ability to deliver on the benefit relatively better than other brands
I : Importance - Important in the consumer mind
D : Delivery - Can the brand provide the benefit?


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Characters from Jegeng Ngimpi - Children Theater Show

Art Work: Poster Characters (2006)

Characters and stroy taken from 'Midsummer Night Dreams" by. Shakespears

Art work: Indonesian Schools Debating Championship Logo (2006)

Artwork: Breadtalk's promotinal items (2004)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Selecting Celebrity Endorser

It seems to be clear that even though using celebrity endorser is able to generate list of benefits such as creating much stronger awareness and interest, the company should not therefore overlook some factors of consideration in order to gives a better result on building audience’s desire and force an action. Otherwise, the company might face some possible problem that might harm its brand image.

The first consideration is attractiveness of celebrity. Second, in order to deal with series of problems, such as the changing image or the downfall of celebrity’s reputation, company should consider about the credibility of the celebrity before choosing one. Third, the celebrity relevancy between the product or brand, the celebrity and the consumers should be having a strong linkage. It is also should be considered of who the audience and the target market are. Otherwise, it will be difficult to influence consumers. Forth, is the celebrity expertise, instead of just using random celebrity, choosing the one who has real knowledge of the brand and have strong connection to the brand might gives a better potential for audiences to believe. Fifth, last but not least, is the ability to obtain the celebrity. Without cost consideration to obtain and the like hood of acquiring the celebrity, all the strategy can never be happened. (daisy)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"experience the world and all it's beauty trough our eyes"
(under development. sorry for the inconvenience)

Choosing Media to Advertise

“No matter how good an offer is or how creatively a marketing communication message has been designed, it can have no impact until an audience has an opportunity to see or hear” (Duncan, 2005)

Human Role is Changing

Considering market’s needs and wants is compulsory on creating a product or delivering a value of a product. People’s purchase behavior is affected by their motivation based on needs and wants. However, since the role of human is changing, the needs and wants are also changing. It is also effecting their motivation and purchase behavior as well. So, how will the marketers deal with that?

Many years before, human only did one role in life. For example, women are doing house works and men are working outside the house. Since 1990s, it has been completely shifting to double income standard. Men and women are working outside the house. In this case, women role has been doubled. These days, in some culture, some country, lots of young singles have been doubled their role as both a single person and a spouse. Many of young singles (un-committed) have decided to move with their partner, buy a house together and live together. Therefore, suddenly young females start to act based on 2 roles, as a single and a wife at the same time. As a person, they still have characteristic on being self-center, but meanwhile they also have to do the role as a decision maker of the house, and it has forced them to think about others in the house (no different with a married couple, right?!). Well, suddenly everything is overlapping.

It is much simpler to sell your product when you know exactly what your target do and not do. But due to the changing of roles in life, how will you as marketers communicate or create a product value to people who behave and react to completely different levels at the same time? Should we just close our eyes to this issue? Create much complex communication or product? (daisy)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Some of Start Collective's projects that we did"

The rise of Search Marketing: Does it mean the fall of Web Design?

Everyone must be familiar with Google or Yahoo Search Engine, the fastest way to find anything you like. Here is an example. When you are thinking to go traveling overseas, wondering a cheap accommodation, the fastest way to find it is by turn on your computer and ‘google’ the words: Cheap Accommodation. However, you might not going to open the whole 1,650,000 web pages relate to what you are looking for… maybe just less than 10 webs in the first page.

If you own an accommodation, I’m sure that you don’t want to put your business name on the row 348,769, right?! The best exposure will be in the first page. It will be much better, if you can put your business in the first rank. Therefore, search marketing (the way to put your company in the top rank of search engine) seems to be important. This strategy can makes you the ‘first person’ offers the product that is needed.

How about web design? Is it still important in marketing business? Yes, but in the different level of advantages. Web design is pretty much useful on presenting company’s image and providing the best quality of information. However, search marketing will open up the gate for consumers to appreciate your hard work on creating value of information for them through the web design. (daisy)

"it has been a while since the last time i created an artwork"

Marketing: Do not react on markets

Do you still run a business which concentrating on markets’ needs and than react on it? Well, you might need to re-consider it again.

Have you ever have in mind, if you keep doing that, what are the differences with you and others? How can you able to compete with hundreds of competitors which react on the same needs? Well, the result is that you might end up with the same strategy, same market, and same product.

Here’s some simple thought: in order to gain lots of market share and profitable consumers, don’t let the market controls you. Control the markets! Don’t react on existing needs, create one!

Starbucks, as an example, has clearly managed to create the new way of people purchase and drink a cup of coffee. Combining comfort environment and affordable cup of coffee, Starbucks has successfully change market behavior, trend, and needs. Do you want to follow the Starbucks’ success?

Set your business on Blue Ocean Strategy! Understand the markets… and create new “trend and needs” for them. (daisy)

Hi all...

Hi all.. gee.. honestly, i still don't know what it is... (and how to create it..)
but i find it might interesting, since lots of people using it these days
anyway, don't worry i'll make it an interesting blog...

so.. welcome to my blog, guys!

