Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The rise of Search Marketing: Does it mean the fall of Web Design?

Everyone must be familiar with Google or Yahoo Search Engine, the fastest way to find anything you like. Here is an example. When you are thinking to go traveling overseas, wondering a cheap accommodation, the fastest way to find it is by turn on your computer and ‘google’ the words: Cheap Accommodation. However, you might not going to open the whole 1,650,000 web pages relate to what you are looking for… maybe just less than 10 webs in the first page.

If you own an accommodation, I’m sure that you don’t want to put your business name on the row 348,769, right?! The best exposure will be in the first page. It will be much better, if you can put your business in the first rank. Therefore, search marketing (the way to put your company in the top rank of search engine) seems to be important. This strategy can makes you the ‘first person’ offers the product that is needed.

How about web design? Is it still important in marketing business? Yes, but in the different level of advantages. Web design is pretty much useful on presenting company’s image and providing the best quality of information. However, search marketing will open up the gate for consumers to appreciate your hard work on creating value of information for them through the web design. (daisy)