Really cool tremendously creative and effective advertisement from Cadbury Chocolate. People appearantely can download this ad through cadbury website and remix it with any song they want. Youtube now has Phill Collins, Deep Purple, 50cent, Nirvana, Bon Jovi, Guns and Roses and many more versions of this... you will see how people 'get crazy' with the ad.
Check out my video bar on the right hand side of the page to taste some flavours of the cadbury's gorilla ads.
(daisy, 2008)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Cadbury Chocolate has its own Gorilla
Labels: Insights
Consumerism vs. Ethical Issue (part2): The Tobacco Industry's Dilemma
One of the most frequently criticised industries in terms of ethicality is the tobacco industry, whereby its legitimacy depends on consumers’ addiction to a potentially harmful substance. Despite worldwide knowledge about the harmful health effects of smoking, the compulsive consumption behaviour overrides logic, motivation and the smoker’s social influencers to cease smoking. This leads smokers to counter cognitive dissonance by playing down the health risks, or finding a superficial benefit for smoking, such as an aid to losing weight (Festinger, 1957). Therefore, the external threats for tobacco companies that lead them to engage in consumerism and corporate social responsibility are not its users, but public policy makers and non-smokers. Non-smokers perceive the risks of smoking to be much higher than smokers, and are more likely take an Activist response in illegitimating tobacco companies than smokers in defending the industry. Children are also impressionable and prone to exploitation, therefore tobacco companies risk strong community backlash should any advertising appear to be targeting minors.
Beyond this, the true ethical values and acts of consumerism behind tobacco industries remain questionable. Tobacco companies hold their stance that they are offering consenting adults what they want (British American Tobacco, 2008), however, this is an inherent contradiction and is accused as a marketing ploy to exploit human vulnerabilities, particularly when the continued consumption of their products only lead to greater compulsive consumption behaviour which clearly has little to do with informed choices and a great deal to do with increased profits.
(daisy, taken from My Buyer Behaviour Report, 2008. Acknowledgement: Joanie)
Labels: Insights
Monday, May 19, 2008
Consumerism vs. Ethical Issue (part1)
Over time, consumers particularly in Western societies, change their consumption habits and perceptions as they progress along Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Utilitarian needs are taken over by pursuit for upward mobility. In response to such changes, organizations have been accused to driving materialistic behavior and deceiving consumers, and resorting to unethical practices in their pursuit for greater profits at the expense of the environment, fair trade, animal welfare and so forth. Research find that as organizations adopt genuine ethical and consumer-centred business practices, and consumers in turn develop trust in organizations, there could be a positive outcome for both ends. An organization’s gain would be long-term competitive advantage and a sustainable business achieved through ethical integrity.
The two concepts are now widely adopted by organizations, particularly multinationals, tobacco and oil companies, and research has revealed that consumers, using aspirations as a basis of reference, favor organizations that engage in consumerism and ethics. However, further research into this topic also uncovered a number of issues against the affirmative argument, largely related to consumer attitudes, perceptions and motivations.
(daisy, taken from My Buyer Behaviour Report, 2008. Acknowledgement: Joanie)
Labels: Insights

Daisy, Joanie, Mavis, and Christiana for the Strategy
Christina Iriani and Start Collective for input and suggestion
Labels: Artworks
Where's the business world going to go?
- From only marketing department who does marketing to interdepartmental cooperation which every employees need to represent the brand or organization and do the marketing
- From organization by product units to organizing by consumer segment
- From making everything to buying more good and services from outside (outsource) due to increase cost and time efficiency
- From using many suppliers to working with fewer suppliers in a “partnership” in order to increase company’s bargaining power
- From relying on old market positions and compete in the existing market to uncovering new ones and create new market
- From emphasizing tangible assets to emphasizing intangible assets such as brand, loyal consumer base, channel relationship, and intellectual capital
- Form building brand through advertising to building brand through performance and integrate communication through doing dialogue with market rather than monologue
- From focusing on profitable transaction to focusing on costumer lifetime value (costumer retention through relationship building)
- From a focus on gaining market share to a focus on building costumer value (costumer satisfaction toward the brand and or product/service)
- From being global to being glocal (Global brand with local face)
- From focusing on the financial scorecard o focusing on marketing scorecard which lies on costumer satisfaction and brand equity and not sales result or company’s revenue
- From focusing on shareholders to focusing on stakeholders which includes costumer, internal, referral, employees, and suppliers
- From attracting costumer through stores and salespeople to making products available online
- From selling to everyone to focus on serving a well defined and profitable target market by leveraging relationship and costumer intimacy
(daisy based on Kotler and Keller, 2005)
Labels: Insights
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Advertising challenge
Question to ask before rolling out a campaign:
"How much we can push you until you say Too Much!!! ?"
A warn for every company and advertising agency to really understand your audience. Bombarding your target markets with your tremendously creative advertisement is not always about right. There is certain limitation that can drastically change one’s mind frame from being aware, interest and desirous to your product/brand/service to become ‘sick of it’. Put yourself in their shoes before roll out the campaign, or otherwise, you’ll spend your money making people hate you. (daisy)
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